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Lt. Governor Karyn Polito announces the Bog Renovation Grants and the Administration's commitment to ensure the long-term viability of the cranberry industry.

"Lt. Governor Karyn Polito and I were happy to be joined by Gary Garretson, grower/owner of Slocum-Gibbs bogs, Rep. Bill Straus from Mattapoisett, Rep. Matt Muratore from Plymouth, and of course, Brian Wick, Executive Director of the Cape Cod Cranberry Growers Association."

"Many of the Bog Renovation Grant recipients were on hand for the awards at the Slocum-Gibbs bogs in Rochester. Of the 21 grants, 12 were awarded to growers in my District!"

The "Meet Me At The Tremont" gala at Wareham's historic Tremont Nail Factory was a great event. Many thanks to my good friend Marie Oliva, President and CEO of the Cape Cod Canal Region Chamber of Commerce. Traci Medeiros of the Tremont Nail Advisory Group, Selectman Peter Teitelbaum and Community Development Director Ken Buckland also deserve credit for putting the successful event together. Proceeds go to the Chamber's Scholarship fund for Wareham students.

Ground breaking for the new Wareham Maple Springs Water Purification plant with Superintendent Andy Reid and other Water Dept officials. Also attending were DEP Regional Director Millie Garcia-Serrano, Fire Chief Matt Rowley and representatives from the Methuen Company and CEI Engineers.

Former New England Patriots great Tedy Bruschi stopped by the House Chamber before meeting with Gov. Baker to express his support for funding treatment programs for stroke victims. Thanks for your advocacy!

Happy to support the Gleason Family YMCA 3rd grade swim program with beach towel donation. Thanks to Aquatic Coordinator Danielle Gilmore and Beach Towel Month sponsor Barbara Morse.
Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito comes to Wareham to celebrate a new Community Solar project owned by Ameresco and developed by Blue Wave Solar. The project will benefit five area housing authorities and bring $150K a year in revenue to Wareham

My colleague from Lakeville Rep. Keiko Orrall and I presented a Citation from the House of Representatives to Fred Boehler, President and CEO of Americold at the ribbon cutting for their new freezer plant in Middleboro. Welcome!

I was honored to be one of the guest speakers at the Wareham-New Bedford Lodge of Elks Flag Day Observance. Thank you to all who participated!

Victoria Crockett from Wareham High School receives the Christian A. Herter Memorial Scholarship Award and congratulations from Susan. Proud Mom Nancy is by Victoria’s side!

Great presentations by Cape Cod Canal Region Chamber President & CEO Marie Oliva and Middleborough Selectmen Chairwoman & Tourism Committee Founder Leilani Dalpe at the Plymouth County Tourism Forum.

Advocates for Autism Massachusetts bring their message to the Legislature. Susan attended the event along with her friend and colleague Rep. Brad Hill from Ipswich.

Susan joins Governor Baker, Dr. Faina Shtern of the AdMeTech Foundation and many of her colleagues for the 10th Annual Prostate Cancer Awareness Day at the State House.

Division 6 Super Bowl victors Middleborough High School Sachems show off their Championship rings at the State House.

Middleborough High School Football Coach Pat Kingman let Susan try on his Super Bowl Ring.

Mr. Defelice's Senior Civics Class from Middleboro High School visits Susan and her colleague, Rep. Keiko Orrall, at the State House

Carver Girl Scout Troop 80893 and Boy Scout Troop 48 visit Susan during vacation week at the State House

Mr. Stanton brings his Wareham High School A.P. Government class to the State House. Following the tour and photo, Susan participated in a Q & A session with the students and was very impressed with their knowledge of current affairs.

Carver Troop 48's newest Eagle Scouts Nicholas Sheehan, Tomas Campbell and Paul Butts received congratulatory citations of the House of Representatives from Susan who praised their commitment and support from their families.

Susan meets former New England Patriot's star lineman Matt Light who was honored at the State House for his charity, The Light Foundation. The leadership program for high school freshmen boys takes place at Camp Vohokase in his native Ohio and focuses on fostering responsibility, accountability, a strong work ethic and leadership.

Carver 1st grader Kendall Smith was honored for her artwork and essay at the State House as one of 10 regional finalists in the "My Ideal School" contest. Susan presented a citation to Kendall who was accompanied by proud Mom Linda and Dad Brian.

Susan welcomes President Jorge Carlos Fonseca to the State House for a Celebration of the 41st Anniversary of the Independence of Cabo Verde. President Fonseca founded the Cape Verdean Circles for Democracy in 1980 and the Cape Verdean League of Human Rights in 1982. He has been President since 2011.

Wareham resident Mrs. Mary Mendez celebrates her 105th birthday and Susan shares a joyous moment with her and granddaughter Sandy Silvia after presenting a citation from the House of Representatives to mark the very special occasion.

It was a big "JOB" to cut the ribbon at the new Ocean State Job Lot in East Wareham but Susan, joined left to right by Marie Oliva, President & CEO of the Cape Cod Canal Region Chamber of Commerce, Selectman Chairman Pat Tropeano, Selectman Steve Holmes and OSJL Marketing Director Paul Conforti, accomplished the task.
photo by Chris Shott from WickedLocalWareham/Gatehouse Media

The young ladies of Carver Girl Scout Troop 85305 visited the State House for a tour followed by a pizza lunch featuring a question and answer session with Susan in the House of Representatives Members Lounge.

Governor Charlie Baker shows his sense of humor to the delight of Susan and many of her supporters at her 2016 campaign kick-off event in Middleboro.

The Phantom Gourmet’s Dave Andelman meets with Susan during the Restaurant And Business Alliance (R.A.B.A.) Day at the State House. Dave is the President and Chairman of R.A.B.A. , a trade association providing restaurant and business owners with a strong voice in government and media. Dave has also been the CEO of the Phantom Gourmet since 1993. For more information on R.A.B.A., please visit

Susan celebrates the 100th birthday of Yvonne Wright by presenting her with a citation from the House of Representatives in her honor. Yvonne is a resident of the Hannah B. G. Shaw Home for the Aged in Middleborough. Many of her family members, friends and Shaw Home staffers were present for the celebration.

New Eagle Scouts from Carver Troop 48, James Husbands, Kevin Thompson, Daniel Ganshirt and Alec Carrara display their congratulatory Citations from the House of Representatives presented by Susan.

Camp USA (United Student-Leaders of America) participants pose for a group picture with Susan who was a guest speaker for Session 1. Camp USA is a free, nonpartisan political camp for middle school age students founded by Caroline Schinkle.

Susan welcomes students from Wareham High School and Social Studies Department Chairman Henry St. Julien to the State House for a tour of the historic building. The group makes an annual field trip to Boston capped off with an afternoon at Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market.

Members of Carver Girl Scout Troop #10182 visit the State House for Girl Power Day. Susan was honored to join the girls for a pizza lunch and express her support for the Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts before they continued with their afternoon events. The GSA celebrates 100 years of Girl Scouting in 2012.

Susan accepts her Massachusetts Nursery & Landscape Association Environmental Leadership Award for 2011 presented by Mary Jesch, Treasurer of the MNLA at Agriculture Day at the State House. The Environmental Leadership Award is the MNLA's most prestigious award, recognizing individuals who have consistently provided informed leadership when dealing with complex environmental issues.

"Susan meets with constituent members of the Massachusetts Nurses Association to discuss safe staffing, manditory overtime and other health care and employment related concerns at Bailey's Surf N Turf in East Wareham.

Susan honored new Carver Eagle Scouts Kyle Lambert, Andrew Somerville and Chad Balboni (left to right)
at the Carver Sportsmen’s Club along with Selectmen Jack Angley and Sarah Hewins

Photo courtesy of Jaime Rehban, Wareham Week
Susan delivers the Commencement address and tells the 2010 Graduates of Upper Cape Regional Technical High School that great things come from our greatest challenges.
If you think you know where you want to go from here, make sure it leads to something you love."

Susan congratulates another three Eagle Scouts from Carver Troop 48 at the Carver Sportsmen's Club.
Pictured with Susan are Scoutmaster Paul Kelly, and Eagle Scouts Mike Pratt, Steve Mantia & Josh Kenn.

Photo courtesy of J. Watkins
Susan presents a State House citation to Wareham High School basketball Head Coach Kevin Brogioli in recognition of an exceptional season capped off with the Division III Boys State Championship.
The presentation was made at a banquet hosted by the Friends of Wareham Basketball honoring the team and staff. Pictured with Susan from left to right are event organizer Harry Irving, team co-captains Ryan Pina and Patrick Murphy.

Fire Chief Robert McDuffy; Water Commissioner Ted Hatch; Professional Engineer Tim Stinson, Kleinfelder/SEA; State Representative Susan Gifford; Water Commissioner Chair Jay Tamagini; Harry Hagan, Statewide Aquastore, Inc; Wareham Fire District Prudential Committee Chair, George Barrett.
Wareham Fire District Opens Third Water Storage Tank

Susan accepts the Massachusetts Sportsmen's Council Representative Award
from President Mike Moss, Vice President David Harbison (left center)
and Treasurer John Kellstrand (right center)

Susan addresses the crowd gathered at the Land Conservation Agreement
celebration at the A.D. Makepeace bogs on Wareham Road in Plymouth. She
described the agreement as "a true example of collaboration between a
great homegrown company, A.D. Makepeace, and the Commonwealth of

Susan and her husband, Wareham DPW Director Mark Gifford ring the Salvation Army bell at the Wareham Wal-Mart store. Wal-Mart pledged to match donations collected for the Salvation Army and the charity of Susan's choice, Turning Point Day Resource Center for the Homeless and near homeless in Wareham.

"Turning Point volunteers receive a $5,000 donation from Wal-Mart as part of the Ringing Bells Across America charity drive. Susan and her husband Mark chose Turning Point as the charity to receive a matching donation from Wal-Mart for their bell ringing on December 20th, 2008 at the Wareham Wal-Mart."

"Susan joins Wal-Mart for the presentation of the $1,000 check to the local Salvation Army. Pictured from left to right are Major Ralph Hansen of the Salvation Army, Chris Buchanan, Wal-Mart Senior Manager Public Affairs & Government Relations, Susan, her husband Mark, Wareham's DPW Director and Wareham Wal-Mart store manager Paul Jandrow."

Susan and Plymouth County District Attorney Tim Cruz congratulate
Carver BSA Troop 48 newest Eagle Scouts David Hayhurst, Liam Kelly a
nd Joseph Nelson at the Carver Sportsmen’s Club

Susan receives a plaque from Bourne Fire Chief Charles Klueber in appreciation
and recognition for her hard work and persistance in helping make the new Sagamore Beach Fire Station a reality. The presentation took place during the dedication
ceremony and open house capping off Fire Safety Week

Susan welcomes Marine Cpl. PeterBlake III back home from his tour of duty in Iraq at a celebration in his honor.
Cpl. Blake was presented with a Citation from the House of Representatives as well as a Proclaimation from Governor Romney and Lt. Gov. Healy.
Susan presents a citation to Dana Ferrante of Carver who was honored at a State House ceremony for her achievement in Level 1 of the
Massachusetts Center for the Book "Letter About Literature 2005" program. Dana is a fifth-grader at Rising Tide Charter School.

Susan presents Dick "Thermometer Man" Porter with a Citation for being named to the Guinness Book of World Records for having the world's largest thermometer collection. The Thermometer Museum is located on Zarahemla Road in Onset.

Susan presents George Coleman, Area Leader of the Onset Community Crime Watch, with a check for $4,000 from drug dealers' forfeited funds. Susan served as a member of Plymouth County District Attorney Timothy Cruz's forfeited funds review committee. Also pictured with Susan are D.A. Cruz, Wareham Police Chief Tom Joyce and Sgt. Delaney.

Susan presents the Boston Post Cane to Wareham's oldest citizen, Barlena Hagen. She is 102.

Susan with former White House advisor, David Gergen, after his address June 9th, 2004 at the State House.

On a typically beautiful day in Wareham, Susan tours a local cranberry bog; one of several South Shore locations that produce the Commonwealth's number one agricultural export.

As Susan and parents Clyde and Gale look on, Bourne High School junior Jeffrey Toombs receives a 2003 "Excellent Student" award from Lieutenant Governor Kerry Healey.

To help youth constituents learn about the State House and the legislative process, Susan hosts students from the Wareham Middle School on a tour of the state capitol building.

To discuss how to bring important federal resources to the Commonwealth, Susan meets with Massachusetts native Andrew H. Card, Jr. who serves as Chief of Staff to President George W. Bush.

In honor of outgoing Bourne Friends Food Pantry Director Joyce Lindberg, Susan and new Director Barbara Gordon celebrate at a local eatery.

Governor Mitt Romney and Susan welcome locals to an end-of-summer traditional New England Clambake, at Warr’s Marina in Wareham.

While in the nation’s capital to discuss key issues with federal officials, Susan veers off a White House tour and, in a lighthearted moment, takes to the podium to play spokesperson.